Website Strategy

MLLN Prelaunch Website

MLLN Prelaunch Website
Website Strategy
Strat & Development

Project overview   

MLLN is a revolutionary project at the forefront of fashion, art, and technology. It combines the creativity of esteemed designers Joey Khamis and Finn Rush-Taylor with cutting-edge 3D printing and the power of blockchain to create an exclusive collection of 3,000 animated pieces of footwear. Each shoe is a unique 1/1 masterpiece living on the Ethereum blockchain, granting owners access to an MLLNPass that unlocks an array of benefits, including profit sharing from digital sales and early access to physical drops.

The website project serves as the ultimate prelaunch platform, building unparalleled hype for the NFT collection and custom-fit 3D printed shoes. With captivating visuals, behind-the-scenes insights, and exclusive previews, the website immerses visitors in the world of MLLN, inviting them to be part of the future of fashion and the Metaverse & IRL

MLLN Prelaunch Website
MLLN Prelaunch Website

Project results   

The MLLN prelaunch site has achieved remarkable success, evidenced by the following key accomplishments:

  • Growing Instagram Following: significant increase in the Instagram following, reaching an impressive 12.5k followers.
  • Thriving Discord Community:  prelaunch site successfully fostered a lively and engaged Discord community, boasting an active user base of 2,000 members.
  • Impressive Presale Revenue: The prelaunch site's compelling messaging and visually captivating design resulted in an exceptional presale performance, generating a substantial revenue of 60k.
  • First-Page SEO Rankings: MLLN's prelaunch website's search engine optimization (SEO) efforts paid off significantly, securing first-page rankings on major search engines.

Overall, the MLLN prelaunch site has proven to be a powerful tool in driving growth, building a robust community, and generating substantial presale revenue, all while establishing a strong online presence through top-notch SEO strategies. As the project continues to move forward, these achievements lay a solid foundation for MLLN's success in the evolving world of NFTs and fashion.

MLLN Prelaunch Website
MLLN Prelaunch Website
MLLN Prelaunch Website